"Fathers and Sons - Together Forever" is a retreat for fathers and their sons ages 11-17. This weekend retreat is held at the magnificent St. Benedict Retreat Center in Schuyler, Nebraska.
21st Annual Retreat - July 12-13, 2025
21st Annual Retreat - July 12-13, 2025

The Lake at the St. Benedict Retreat Center
Fathers and Sons - Together Forever
This weekend is about spending quality time together as father and son. As boys move toward their preteen and teenage years, they are attracted to a newfound sense of "freedom" often referred to as the "moving away phase". In addition to more independence, it also becomes a time of less intimacy and less talking. This retreat provides an opportunity for fathers and their sons to talk, share, and experience what is really important in their relationship.
A father’s active presence is crucial for his son’s faith development, especially in adolescence. This retreat provides opportunities for open communication in the context of faith between fathers and their pre-adolescent and adolescent sons, and offers assistance to fathers in fostering their sons’ growth into mature manhood.
Many of our attendees and retreat team are members of the Knights of Columbus. One of the major initiatives of the Knights is "Building the Domestic Church". As Pope Francis stated, "Parents are called ...not only to bring children into the world but also to bring them to God."(Lumen Fidei, 43) Fathers and Sons supports this principle and allows fathers to participate in this with their sons in an enjoyable environment while enhancing their spiritual relationship, personal relationship, and communication.
The retreat is open to sons age 11 to 17. While fathers are the primary attendees with their sons, the weekend is also open to anyone who plays an important part in a boy's life especially when there is no father present. This includes grandfathers (we have 1 or 2 attend each year), step-fathers, foster fathers, and anyone who is an important part of a boy's life. Consider bringing him to the retreat to enhance your relationship and communication with him.
Where do our fathers and sons come from in order to attend this special weekend? In addition to Nebraska and Iowa, we have had fathers and sons attend from Missouri, Wyoming, Texas, and as far away as Orange County California! There is a great need and demand for this type of father-son experience!
Fathers and Sons - Together Forever
This weekend is about spending quality time together as father and son. As boys move toward their preteen and teenage years, they are attracted to a newfound sense of "freedom" often referred to as the "moving away phase". In addition to more independence, it also becomes a time of less intimacy and less talking. This retreat provides an opportunity for fathers and their sons to talk, share, and experience what is really important in their relationship.
A father’s active presence is crucial for his son’s faith development, especially in adolescence. This retreat provides opportunities for open communication in the context of faith between fathers and their pre-adolescent and adolescent sons, and offers assistance to fathers in fostering their sons’ growth into mature manhood.
Many of our attendees and retreat team are members of the Knights of Columbus. One of the major initiatives of the Knights is "Building the Domestic Church". As Pope Francis stated, "Parents are called ...not only to bring children into the world but also to bring them to God."(Lumen Fidei, 43) Fathers and Sons supports this principle and allows fathers to participate in this with their sons in an enjoyable environment while enhancing their spiritual relationship, personal relationship, and communication.
The retreat is open to sons age 11 to 17. While fathers are the primary attendees with their sons, the weekend is also open to anyone who plays an important part in a boy's life especially when there is no father present. This includes grandfathers (we have 1 or 2 attend each year), step-fathers, foster fathers, and anyone who is an important part of a boy's life. Consider bringing him to the retreat to enhance your relationship and communication with him.
Where do our fathers and sons come from in order to attend this special weekend? In addition to Nebraska and Iowa, we have had fathers and sons attend from Missouri, Wyoming, Texas, and as far away as Orange County California! There is a great need and demand for this type of father-son experience!
Themes explored in light of the Catholic Faith
Dynamics of the father-son relationship
Growth into manhood
Dealing with emotions
Improving communication
The vocations of being a father and a son
The search for identity
Becoming the father God calls us to be
Dynamics of the father-son relationship
Growth into manhood
Dealing with emotions
Improving communication
The vocations of being a father and a son
The search for identity
Becoming the father God calls us to be
For information about the weekend, contact:
Ed DeSimone, R.Ph., Ph.D., FAPhA - Retreat Leader
402-679-1841 (Leave a message if there is no answer. I will call you back. I am still working!)
or e-mail me at: EdwardDeSimone@creighton.edu
See below to find out more about our Fathers and Sons Together Forever retreat.
To Register, please click on the Registration tab at the top of this page for more information.
402-679-1841 (Leave a message if there is no answer. I will call you back. I am still working!)
or e-mail me at: EdwardDeSimone@creighton.edu
See below to find out more about our Fathers and Sons Together Forever retreat.
To Register, please click on the Registration tab at the top of this page for more information.
Talks and Themes

One-on-one time
As with other retreats, one of the central activities revolves around "the talks". They help to provide a focus and direction for the interactions which follow. Each talk has a "theme". These are listed in the weekend schedule.
All of the talks are given by dads who have "been there, done that". While there is a certain learning component in each talk, the retreat is about relationships, communication, and feelings. Yes, men have feelings (just watch a guy after his favorite team loses!).
After each talk, fathers and their sons have one-on-one time to talk about their reactions to the presentation and how it applies to them. This one-on-one time is the most positive component in each year's evaluations.
All of the talks are given by dads who have "been there, done that". While there is a certain learning component in each talk, the retreat is about relationships, communication, and feelings. Yes, men have feelings (just watch a guy after his favorite team loses!).
After each talk, fathers and their sons have one-on-one time to talk about their reactions to the presentation and how it applies to them. This one-on-one time is the most positive component in each year's evaluations.
Prayer and Spirituality

Main Chapel
In his book, "The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers", Ken Canfield lists #6 as "spiritual equipping". The weekend provides an opportunity for father and son to spend time together in a number of prayerful experiences. In addition to the beautiful chapel (at left), there is a serene 24-hour adoration chapel, an outdoor Stations of the Cross experience, Reconciliation, Benediction, and morning prayer. All of these are optional opportunities in which father and son can participate if they choose. Many of the sons who attend this weekend retreat, have never had the opportunity to participate in some of these activities.

Typical room
The St. Benedict Center is built like a hotel and conference center. Fathers and sons share a modern but simple room with 2 double beds. There is a modern bathroom and shower in each room. Catholic bibles are there for those who choose to read them. Each room includes a clock for wake-up. However, there are no TV's, radios, or any other modern communication device. Retreatants are asked not to bring MP3 and CD players, or any hand-held devices. The weekend is about communication and sharing each other's company.
Fun Activities

Fathers and Sons Playing Dodgeball!
As the saying goes... "All work and no play...". The activity that gets most of the fathers and sons roarin' and runnin' are the "fathers against the sons" dodgeball games. Sons get to take on their dads in the intense (but fun!) dodgeball competition during the morning break. To date, the dads have won almost every game. In the afternoon, fathers get to team up with their sons in the water balloon toss to see which father-son teams can toss their water balloons the farthest without getting soaked! After the sun goes down, there is an a fun hayrack ride (actually there are 2 hayracks because of all the fathers and sons) which goes through the back roads and around the farm fields of Schuyler. (This is always tentative due to potential weather concerns.) The evening ends with "game night" during which fathers and sons play all sorts of card games and board games until lights out. There are lots of snacks available during "game night".
Sunday Mass

Fathers Blessing Their Sons During Mass
On Sunday morning, after the last talk, everyone attends Mass. This is a very special Mass for all of the fathers and sons because at the end of Mass, a very special "blessing of sons" takes place in which the fathers are able to provide a traditional blessing of their sons.
While all of the activities are important, we have to let everyone know that the home cooking at the St. Benedict Center is as good as you will find anywhere. Anyone who has raised teenage boys knows that an all-you-can-eat buffet of home cooking (with great desserts) will top off any family outing.
Cost for the weekend:
The registration fee is posted on the Registration tab above.
This includes meals, materials and overnight stay.
To Register, click on the Registration tab above.
This includes meals, materials and overnight stay.
To Register, click on the Registration tab above.
Fathers and Sons Together is fully compliant with the Safe Environment policies of the Archdiocese of Omaha and the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Supported and Sponsored by The St. Benedict Center

To register for the retreat or for information about the St. Benedict Retreat Center,
call the Center at: 402-352-8819
or visit the center at:
call the Center at: 402-352-8819
or visit the center at: